TOBY Awards


Now together in one streamlined application portal, the BOMA 360 Building Certification and the TOBY Awards are just what you need to take your building to the next level. 

Complete one or both!  

TOBY header


What are the TOBY Awards?

The Outstanding Building of the Year (TOBY®) Awards is the most prestigious and comprehensive program of its kind in the commercial real estate industry recognizing quality in commercial buildings and rewarding excellence in building management. During the competition, all facets of a building's operations are thoroughly evaluated. Buildings are judged on everything from community involvement, tenant relations and site management to environmental and "green" policies and procedures. The competition consists of three levels and begins at the BOMA local association level. Winning entries advance from there to the regional level and, finally, regional winners advance to the BOMA International level. 

Not sure how to get started, check out to how-to guide here. 

TOBY Application Portal

TOBY Winner Banner

LOCAL COMPETITION:  Typical schedule for the program is application are due by August 31st, judging takes place in September/October and winners are announced and celebrated in December at our Annual BOMA Columbus Awards Banquet and TOBY Gala. 

The local competition includes a short power point presentation, show & tell of a few documents, and an in-person building tour completed by a judging panel of your peers (typically comprised of 3 building managers and 2 vendor partners).  A judging score sheet is provided so you know exactly what to review and show your judges on the day of your building tour.  Judging takes about 4-hours to complete.

**Note:  Binders, write ups, and BOMA 360 Certifications are NOT required for the local competition in 2024...but will be required starting in 2025 per BOMA International.

TOBY Criteria

REGIONAL COMPETITION:  Winners of our local TOBY Columbus chapter competition have the option to take their building(s) to the next level in the competition and choose to compete Regionally. Columbus is located in the "North Central Region", which is comprised of Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky.

To enter the regional competition, a very detailed overview of the building must be submitted electronically via BOMA International's website.  No in-person building tours are required.  This level of the competition is performed only via written documentation write ups, document submittals, and select photos outlined in your submittal package.  A BOMA 360 Certification is required to compete at the Regional & International levels.  Deadline to submit your regional application is typically the first week of March.  Regional winners are announced in April and go on to compete in the international competition.

INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION:  The BOMA International TOBY Awards are given annually at the BOMA International summer conference in June.  This location changes every year.  Winners from the Regional competition are automatically bumped forward in the system.  No additional work required.  A new panel of International judges will review your submission and score you against others in your category.  

Buildings May Enter in the Following Categories:

  • Under 100, 000 Square Feet
  • 100,000 - 249,999 Square Feet
  • 250,000 - 499,999 Square Feet
  • 500,000 - 1 Million Square Feet
  • Over 1 Million Square Feet
  • Renovated Building
  • Historical Building
  • Corporate Facility
  • Public Assembly (Government Buildings, Arenas and other public space)
  • Medical Office Building
  • Life Science Building (Labs)
  • Suburban Office Park - Low-Rise (1-5 stories) 
  • Suburban Office Park - Mid-Rise (6-10 stories)
  • Industrial Office Park
  • Enclosed Mall (Under 1 million SF)
  • Enclosed Mall (Over 1 million SF)
  • Open Air / Strip Mall
  • Mixed Use
  • Earth
  • Retail

To access a description of each category and for general guideline rules, please see

Eligibility Requirements:

Log into the online portal at, refer to Requirements and Forms and select the TOBY Entry Requirements for the category in which you are interested in competing.  All buildings must have at least 50% of a building’s space used as office space with the exception of Industrial and Mixed-Use.  Buildings submitted in the Industrial category must have more than 5% and less than 50% office area as measured by the BOMA Standards.  Buildings submitted in the Mixed-Use category must have at least 10% office space.  The building must be occupied for at least one full year from the date of occupancy of the first tenant by June 15 of the TOBY competition year with a minimum of 12 months of building operations.

Important Dates & Deadlines:


  • August 31 - Local TOBY Competition Application Due (online application form coming soon!)
  • September - Mandatory TOBY Judge Training 
  • September / October - Local TOBY Judging Building Tours Conducted
  • December - Local TOBY Winners Announced at our Annual BOMA Awards Banquet & TOBY Gala


  • January 31 - Last day to submit your BOMA 360 Designation Program information into the online portal (required for Regional/International competition only)
  • 1st Week of March - TOBY Regional submittal due through the online BOMA International platform
  • March 31 - Energy Star Data must be shared with BOMA International
  • April - Regional Winners Announced and are Automatically bumped forward to International Competition
  • May - International Judging underway
  • June - International Winners Announced at the Annual BOMA Summer Conference and TOBY Award Banquet dinner (location changes annually)

Costs to Participate:

TOBY Awards Competition:

  • Local100% FREE - no cost to participate!
  • Regional$450 USD in entry fees will be paid to BOMA International for each submission entering the TOBY regional competition + BOMA 360 fees (see below).  These fees will be collected once the entry has been completed and the “Submit” button has been pressed. 
  • International:  No additional fees are collected for the international competition.   

For more information, please see

Why Pursue a TOBY Award?

Retain Tenants - The #1 reason to enter the TOBY contest! Tenants are price conscious and rent is a primary factor when leasing space, but plenty of other issues influence their choice.  How they feel about the property - quality and pride of place - counts for a lot.  Tenants enjoy being in a building that is recognized as "one of the best."  Just going for a TOBY means you're going for the gold - in more ways than one!

Property Recognition - Think your property could be the best in the industry?  Get recognized for it!  There are a variety of categories from which to choose to enter your property. 

Acknowledge Your Team - Pride of ownership and great performance should be recognized.  If the management team on a project is the best, then show it!  The process of entering builds teamwork and cooperation with service providers and employees who work every day to make a property stand out.

Team Building / Collaboration - The application process itself brings together your diverse property management team in pursuit of a common goal and offers a great opportunity for team building.  Because the competition touches upon every aspect of building management and operations, each member of the team becomes an important component and is an integral part to the success of the competition.

Accolades for Owners - Like everyone, owners and property management companies want to feel great about the business they are in.  Nothing feels greater than being awarded the best in the business! 

Other Benefits:

  • Prestige and recognition amongst industry peers
  • Esteem on your resume
  • Separates your building from others in your market
  • Staff’s heightened pride of ownership
  • Increased vendor relationships between Property Management staff and Vendors (Engineering, Janitorial, Security, Parking, Elevators, etc.)
  • Sets management companies apart from competition due to quality and timeliness of operating procedures
  • Compels staff to uphold higher standards
  • Assists leasing team in attracting new tenants
  • Recognition by existing tenants of the behind-the-scenes work they do not normally see
  • Provides ownership with bragging rights if contemplating a sale or refinance of the property
  • Paves the way for participation in other recognition opportunities, such as BOMA 360

Recognition You Will Receive:  

Buildings that achieve a TOBY Award will receive the following:


  • Crystal Award to display in your building
  • Recognition at the Annual BOMA Columbus Awards Banquet & TOBY Gala dinner
  • Recognition on LinkedIn / Facebook announcements and posts, as well as publication on our BOMA Columbus website
  • Recognition by your peers in the industry and your colleagues at work
  • You may use the TOBY logo on your company’s or building’s Web site and on letterhead, business cards, and marketing and collateral materials.


  • Opportunity to purchase customized signs and banners
  • BOMA press release announcing the achievement
  • Recognition on the BOMA International Web site
  • Recognition at the BOMA Annual Summer Conference, Winter Business Meeting and other events
  • You may use the TOBY logo on your company’s or building’s Web site and on letterhead, business cards, and marketing and collateral materials.
  • You will also receive a marketing tool kit with ideas and templates for announcing your building’s achievement to owners, tenants, and brokers, and for advertising your achievement in the industry and the community.

Next Steps for TOBY Regional & International Competition Entrants Only:

BOMA 360 Designation Program


Past TOBY Award Winners

2023/2024 RESULTS

  • 100,000 - 249,999 SF Category:  Town Center (Managed by: Newmark Knight Frank)
    • Regional winner and International finalist
  • Corporate Facility Category:  Vibe Westerville (Managed by:  Colliers)
    • Local winner

2022/2023 RESULTS

  • 100,000 - 249,999 SF Category:  Town Center (Managed by: Newmark Knight Frank)
    • Regional winner and International finalist
  • Renovated Category:  5250 Blazer Parkway / Quantum Health Headquarters (Managed by:  CBRE)
    • Regional finalist

2021/2022 RESULTS

  • 100,000 - 249,999 SF Category:  Town Center (Managed by: Newmark Knight Frank)
    • Regional winner and International finalist
  • Renovated Category:  4201 Easton Commons (Managed by:  CBRE)
    • Regional finalist
  • 250,000 - 499,999 SF Category:  65 East State Street (Managed by:  CBRE)
    • Regional finalist

2018/2019 RESULTS 

  • 100,000 - 249,999 SF Category:  Town Center (Managed by: Continental Realty)
    • Regional winner and International finalist

2016/2017 RESULTS

  • 100,000 - 249,999 SF Category:  Town Center (Managed by: Continental Realty)
    • Regional winner and International finalist

2015/2016 RESULTS

  • 100,000 - 249,999 SF Category:  Town Center (Managed by: Continental Realty)
    • Regional winner and International finalist

2014/2015 RESULTS

  • 1 Million SF Category:  One Nationwide Plaza (Managed by: Nationwide Corporate Real Estate)
    • Regional winner and International finalist
  • 100,000 - 249,999 SF Category:  Town Center (Managed by: Continental Realty)
    • Regional winner and International finalist

2013/2014 RESULTS

  • Corporate Facility Category:  One & Three Nationwide Plazas (Managed by: Nationwide Corporate Real Estate)
    • Regional winner and International finalist

2012/2013 RESULTS

  • Corporate Facility Category:  One & Three Nationwide Plazas (Managed by: Nationwide Corporate Real Estate)
    • Regional winner and International finalist