BOMA - Columbus Membership Application
Basic Contact Information
First Name | |
MI | |
Last Name | |
Suffix | |
Email | |
Title | |
Company Information
Company Name | |
Address | |
| |
City | |
State | |
Zip | |
Work Phone | |
Work Fax | |
Website | |
Type of Business | |
How long in Business | |
Number of Years in Field | |
Home Address
Address | |
| |
City | |
State | |
Zip | |
Home Phone | |
Mobile | |
Please indicate ONE address where you would like to receive all mailings:
| COMPANY Address is Primary Address |
| HOME Address is Primary Address |
Demographic Information (Required)
1) Occupation | |
2) Vendors/Suppliers only (choose all that apply)
| |
3) What is your primary type of business or organization?
| |
4) How many total square feet of building space do you personally manage?
Downtown | sq/ft |
Suburban | sq/ft |
5) How many buildings do you personally manage?
| |
6) What types of properties do you personally represent? (choose all that apply)
| Commercial/Office |
| Retail/Shopping Centers |
| Industrial/Manufacturing |
| Distribution/Warehouse |
| Medical/Hospitals |
| Schools/Universities |
| Hotels/Motels |
| Government Buildings |
| Parking Facilities |
Other | |
N/A | |
7) Where are your properties located? (choose primary location)
8) What type of buildings? (choose all that apply)
| High-rise |
| Low-rise |
| Single story |
| Class 'A' office space |
| Class 'B' office space |
| Class 'C' office space |
| I'm a Vendor |
9) Is your building Energy Star rated?
| |
10) How did you hear about BOMA?
| |
11) Please provide the names of three (3) BOMA member references if you have any.
| |
| I hereby request membership in the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA). |
| I understand that by providing my mailing address, email address and telephone number, I consent to receive communications by or on behalf of BOMA via regular mail, email or telephone. |
| I hereby consent to the Code of Ethics for BOMA Columbus Members. |
Please choose your membership level below:
| F1 - Principal (Property Managers/Owners*) $850 |
| F3 - Associate (Vendor Member) $1,000 |
| Emerging Professional** - $425 |
| ANR - Additional Associate - $825 |
| Professional - $955 |
| Technical - $500 (Engineer maintenance staff) - $500 |
| Administrative Staff - $500 |
*Owner's are defined as those who own or manage property as the only focus of their business.
**A Columbus will define an Emerging Professional as a member working full-time in commercial real estate whose responsibilities include managing or operating commercial properties and who has seven (7) years or less experience in the industry. A special introductory rate will apply for two (2) consecutive years.